INFO-VIRI: iz njegove knjige, ,,from his book:, VIKI GROŠELJ KRIŽ ČEZ NEPAL - TRAVERSING NEPAL
Viki Grošelj
Viki Grošelj je rodil 3. junija 1952 in je vrhunski
alpinist, himalajec, gorski vodnik in reševalec. V Himalaji je opravil enajst
vzponov na več kot osem tisoč metrov visoke vrhove. Kot prvi Slovenec se je
povzpel na najvišje vrhove vseh sedmih celin. Avtor 18 knjig.
Leta 2021, 46 let po prvem obisku Nepala, je dokončal svojo zamisel prečenja te himalajske dežele v smereh sever–jug in vzhod–zahod.
46 let spoznavanja Nepala,
55 poti v eno najbolj
očarljivih držav sveta,
20 alpinističnih odprav
na visoke vrhove nepalske Himalaje,
8 vzponov na vrhove
6 snemalnih odprav,
30 trekingov in
5 let življenja v osrčju
Himalaje …
… je bilo eno samo dolgo
potovanje čez najvišje vrhe sveta – nazaj k ljudem.
Dokončal sem potovanje, ki najbolj osmišlja vsa moja soočanja in čustvovanja s to himalajsko deželo. Prav vsak dan, preživet v Nepalu, je pomemben delček bogatega mozaika, ki me je na tej poti tudi osebnostno močno zaznamoval. Skoraj neopazno in nevsiljivo pa začel preoblikovati iz nekoč »adrenalinskega zanesenjaka« in sanjača v, morda kdaj v prihodnosti, »modreca«, spravljenega s seboj in svetom. Tudi zato si želim, da se moje poti v Nepal še dolgo ne bi končale.
Viki Grošelj, born on 3
June 1952, a world-class mountaineer, Himalayan, mountain guide and rescuer.
Grošelj has made 11 ascents of Himalayan eight-thousanders, and was the first
Slovenian to climb the highest mountains on all seven continents. He has
authored 18 books.
In 2021, 46 years after
his first visit to Nepal, he realised his idea of traversing this Himalayan
country in the north-south and east-west directions.
46 years of getting to know Nepal,
55 travels to one of the
world's most charming countries,
20 mountaineering
expeditions to the Nepal Himalayas’ highest peaks,
8 ascents to the summit
of eight-thousanders,
6 filmmaking expeditions,
30 treks and
5 years of living in the
heart of the Himalayas…
… a long, uninterrupted
journey across the highest peaks of the world – back to the people.
I've completed a journey that renders meaningful all my confrontations with and feelings about this Himalayan country. Every day spent in Nepal is an important piece in the rich mosaic of experiences that have shaped me as a person. Almost seamlessly and unobtrusively, this mosaic began to transform me from a former "adrenaline junkie" and a dreamer into a "wise man" (perhaps sometime in the future), at peace with himself and the world. This is one of the reasons why I hope my journey to Nepal continues for many years to come.