Domnevajo, da je bil grad zgrajen v 12. stoletju na majhnem
pobočju oziroma vzpetini na levem bregu reke Save, ki ločuje Štajersko in
Kranjsko. Ta je bila zgrajen z pomočjo Salzburžanov, da bi služil v
upravne in obrambne namene.
Mesto Brežice, ki je bilo ustanovljeno v tej soseščini, je dobilo mestne
pravice, ki jih prikazuje dokument iz leta 1353. Ime Brežice je izpeljanka iz
mesta na (Bregu - brežcu), ki se nahaja na skalnatem pomolu nad suho
strugo reke Save.
Dvonadstropni grad je najmogočnejša stavba v Brežicah, zgrajen sredi 16.
stoletja na istem kraju kjer je bil požgan in porušen grad iz leta 1515,
ko je tu potekal veliki kmečki upor kjer je sodelovalo več kot 80 000 kmetov ki
so zahtevali svoje tržne pravice.
Attems in Viteška dvorana
Na koncu 17. stoletja in na začetku 18. stoletja ko je plemiška družina
Attems spremenila grad v prebivališče oziroma bivalni dvorec. Grof Ignac Marija
Attems je imel rad baročno umetnost tako, da je tu ustvarjalo veliko znanih
štajerskih umetnikov tistega časa. Njegova ideja je bila, da se ponovno
združi vzhodni in južni del gradu v dvorano, danes znano kot Viteška
Dvojno stopnišče, kapela in viteška dvorana je okrašena z freskami, ta je
bila obnovljena leta 2011 in je edinstven primer posvetnega baročnega stenskega
slikarstva na slovenskem ozemlju. To je odličen kraj, kjer bomo lahko poslušali
koncerte ali se udeležili drugih dogodkov, medtem ko naše misli potujejo in
skačejo skozi prizore iz rimske in grške mitologije.
"PLAC" s fontano na sredini gradu dvorišča pa da videti kot
zelo prostoren. tu poteka tudi letni kino. Dobro skrbijo za okolico gradu,
zasuli so zaščitne jarke in jih spremenili v vrtne nasade zgrajene ob
jugozahodnem stolpu. Na vzhodni strani gradu je park zasajen z različnimi
drevesnimi vrstami
It is supposed that the castle was built in the 12th century
on a small slope on the left bank of the Sava River, separating Styria and
Carniola. It was built by the Salzburg people in order to serve administrative
and defence purposes.
The town of Brežice, which was established in its neighbourhood, got city
rights approved by a document in 1353. Name Brežice is a derivative from the
town on the bank (bregu – brežcu), situated on the pier above the dried-out bed
of the Sava.
The two-storey castle is the mightiest building in Brežice, built in the middle
of the 16th century in the site of the castle which was burnt down in 1515, in
time of the great peasant revolt.
There were about 80,000 rebels who demanded the
reintroduction of the original feudal obligations and trade rights (the
so-called "old rights"; Slovene: stara pravda) and a right to decide
about the taxes.
The Attems the Knight's Hall
By the end of the 17th century and at the begining ofthe18th
cetury aristocratic family Attems turned the castle into a residence. The
count Ignac Maria Attems was fond of the baroque art so famous Styrian artists
of that time painted in his castles. His idea was to rebuild the eastern wing
and make a hall, today known as Viteška dvorana (The Knight's Hall).
A double staircase, the chapel and the Knight's Hall are
painted, the latter was renovated in 2011 and is the unique example of secular
baroque frescoes on the Slovenian territory. It is the place where we can
listen to concerts or attend other events while our thoughts travel through the
scenes from Roman and Greek mythology.
Landscaped as a park with a fountain in the middle the
castle courtyard looked very spacious. They took care of the castle's
surroundings, filled up protective moats and turned them into garden
plantations. The icehouse was built by the south-western tower. On the eastern
side of the castle there was a cultivated park planted with various tree
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