torek, 31. oktober 2023


Peter Vilfan, slovenski košarkar in politik, * 29. junij 1957, Maribor. Vilfan, oziroma »Pero« kot se ga je prijel naziv že zelo zgodaj, je bil dolgoletni igralec košarke pri ljubljanski Olimpiji in jugoslovanski reprezentant, s katero je na svetovnem košarkarskem prvenstvu v Manili leta 1978 osvojil zlato medaljo.


Za Jugoslavijo je zbral 121 nastopov v obdobju 1977 in 1983 in je po številu nastopov zanjo tretji izmed vseh Slovencev. Igral je na petih mednarodnih tekmovanjih, in sicer na SP 1978, EP 1979, EP 1981, SP 1982, EP 1983 ter zbral po eno zlato in bronasto na SP ter po eno srebrno in bronasto medaljo na EP.


Bil je prvi kapetan slovenske košarkarske reprezentance v samostojni Sloveniji.


Peter Vilfan (born 29 June 1957) is a Slovenian former professional basketball player, sports journalist, commentator, and a politician. He resigned from the National Assembly due to DUI in 2014, and from the State Secretary position in 2019 amid tax evasion proceedings.

As a basketball player, he was a member of the senior Yugoslavia national team, with which he won a gold medal at the 1978 FIBA World Championship, in Manila.

He was inducted into the Slovenian Athletes Hall of Fame, in 2013.

Yugoslavian national team

Vilfan made 121 appearances with the senior Yugoslavian national basketball team, between 1977 and 1983, making him the third most capped Slovenian player for Yugoslavia. He played in five major international FIBA tournaments: the 1978 FIBA World Championship, the EuroBasket 1979, the EuroBasket 1981, the 1982 FIBA World Championship, and the EuroBasket 1983. He won one gold and one bronze medal at the FIBA World Cup, and one silver and one bronze at the EuroBasket.

Slovenian national team

Vilfan was the first team captain of the senior Slovenian national basketball team, following Slovenia's independence from Yugoslavia.

torek, 24. oktober 2023


V letih od 1989 do 1991 smo kot srednješolci ,,gulili,, parket v dvorani PODEN na SLŠ v Šk. Loki in že takrat mi je padla v oči plezalna stena, ki je bila zame takrat nekaj neverjetnega. Nato so sledila malo bolj divja leta z koncertnim cajtom. Potem pa mi je uspelo prvič priti  na tretjo tekmo v športnem plezanju IFSC CWC 1998 sport climbing v dvorani Zlato polje v Kranju.

Z dvema malo daljšima pavzama vmes, pa mi ni dalo miru saj mi je je dvorana zares prirasla k srcu. Tako sem v dvorani spremljal 10 od 12 svetovnih prvenstev IFSC CWC sport climbing, prav tako pa lahko zraven prištejem še 8x finale državnega prvenstva. Vsaj na 16tih tekmah, pa sem lahko z fotoaparat približal čisto blizu steni in tekmovalcem.

In the years from 1989 to 1991, as high school students, we "peeled" the parquet in the PODEN sport hall at SLŠ in Šk. Loka and even then the climbing wall caught my eye, which was something incredible for me at the time. Then came a little wilder years with a concert tour. Then, for the first time, I managed to come to the third IFSC CWC 1998 sport climbing competition in the Zlato Polje hall in Kranj.

With two slightly longer pauses in between, I didn't feel at ease because the hall really grew on me. Thus, I watched 10 of the 12 IFSC CWC sport climbing world championships in the hall, and I can also count 8 national championship finals. At least in the 16 matches, I was able to get close to the wall and the climbers competitors with my camera.

Sara Benkovič 

Luka Potočar

Lučka Rakovec

Anže Peharc

Tomo Česen