nedelja, 21. oktober 2018



Naravni rezervat Škocjanski zatok je oaza miru na pragu Kopra, privlačna za vse tiste, ki želijo spoznavati in doživljati naravo. Med glavnimi privlačnostmi za obiskovalce so tako rekreacija in sprostitev v naravi ter opazovanje živalskih in rastlinskih vrst. Izjemna vrstna pestrost, predvsem ptic, sorazmerna majhnost območja in opremljenost s posebno infrastrukturo za opazovanje narave, ki je prilagojena tudi ljudem s posebnimi potrebami, botrujejo temu, da je vsak obisk nekaj posebnega.

Cilj zavarovanja Škocjanskega zatoka je ohranitev polslanih in sladkovodnih habitatnih tipov ter habitatov ptic, ki tu v velikem številu gnezdijo, prezimujejo in se ustavljajo ob selitvah. Poleg ptic je rezervat bogat še z metulji, kačjimi pastirji, žabami, na mokrotnih travnikih pa vegetacijo s pašo uravnava podolsko govedo in kamarški konji. Posebnost rastlinskega sveta so slanuše.

Škocjanki zatok je lep primer delovanja predstavnikov civilne družbe in članov Društva za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije, kako s požrtvovalnim delom preprečiti uničevanje narave, ki je v drugi polovici prejšnjega stoletja ravno tu bilo najbolj obsežno. Leta 1993 se je z interventnim zavarovanjem to ustavilo, leta 1998 pa je sledilo trajno zavarovanje. Od leta 1999 za upravljanje skrbi DOPPS.

The Škocjan Inlet Nature Reserve is as an oasis of peace at the threshold of Koper, alluring for anyone who wants to learn about nature and experience it. The main attractions for visitors are sports activities and relaxation, as well as the observation of animal and plant species. The unique variety of species, mainly birds, the small surface area and special infrastructure for the observation of nature, which is also adapted for persons with special needs, make every visit special.

The goal of the protection of the Škocjan Inlet is the conservation of brackish and freshwater habitats and bird habitats, which nest, winter and stop during migration in this inlet in large numbers. Besides the birds, visitors can see dragonflies and butterflies in all colours and listen to the frogs croaking. In the wet meadows, the vegetation is balanced by Podolian cattle and Camargue horses grazing. The inlet is distinguished by halophytes– plants, adapted to grow on salty ground.

The Škocjan Inlet is a good example of cooperation between the representatives of civil society and the members of the Bird Watching and Study Association of Slovenia who have prevented the Škocjan Inlet from completely drying out and being covered with buildings. After 1993 the area was protected and in 1998 it was permanently protected. Since 1999 it has been carefully managed by the Bird Watching and Study Association.