Pod stenami kraškega roba slovenske
Istre, v vasici Hrastovlje stoji majhna kamnita cerkev Sv. Trojice. Že njena
zanimiva zunanjost bo pritegnila naš pogled, v notranjosti pa se skrivajo
najobsežnejše ohranjene srednjeveške poslikave, na čelu z znamenitim “Mrtvaškim
Hrastovlje. Avtocesto “Ljubljana -
Koper” zapustimo na izvozu Črni Kal. Nadaljujemo v smeri Sočerge oz. Buzeta, ko
zagledamo smerokaz za Hrastovlje pa zavijemo levo in kmalu prispemo v vas, kjer
poiščemo primerno parkirišče.
Na robu Hrastovelj, med vinogradi
in oljkami boste opazili kamnito obzidje iznad katerega “kuka” zvonik cerkve Sv.
Trojice. Cerkev je bila zgrajena v 15. stoletju, približno 100 let za tem pa
naj bi postavili še obzidje z dvemi obrambnimi stolpi, ki naj bi služilo za
obrambo pred Turki. Arhitektura cerkve je zelo zanimiva, kamnite so tako stene
kot streha. Sama cerkev je precej majhna, a v notranjosti se bohoti z
največjimi in najbolj ohranjenimi stenskimi poslikavami pri nas. Slikar Janez
iz Kastva je s svojo ekipo poslikal celotno notranjost (stene, oboke in
stropove) ter svoje delo končal leta 1490.
Freske so zemeljskih barv, motivi
pa večinoma cerkveni in prikazujejo apostole, Marijino kronanje, svete tri
kralje, Kristusov križev pot, stvarjenje sveta, najznamenitejši pa je seveda
“Mrtvaški ples”. Gre za sprevod različnih ljudi iz takratne družbe, ki skupaj z
okostnjaki korakajo proti smrti. Motiv naj bi izviral iz epidemij kuge in
sporoča, da smrt ne izbira med bogatimi in revnimi, mladimi in starimi, niti
podkupiti se ne da (če pozorno pogledate, boste videli, da nekdo skeletu ponuja
The small stone church of the Holy
Trinity lies beneath the walls of Karst edge of Slovene Istria in a small
village Hrastovlje. Its interesting exterior will already draw your attention
and the interior hides the most extensive and best preserved medieval frescoes
including the famous 'Dance of the Dead'.
Leave the 'Ljubljana - Koper'
motorway on exit Črni Kal. Continue in the direction of Sočerga and Buzet. Keep
attention to a signpost for Hrastovlje, turn left and you will arrive to the
village soon after.
On the edge of Hrastovlje, among
vineyards and olive trees you will spot a stone wall above which a bell tower
of the church of the Holy Trinity peeks. The church was built in the 15th
century and the wall with two defence towers (for protection against Turk
invaders) were built about 100 years after. The architecture of the church is
very interesting - both walls and roof are made of stone. The church itself is
quite small, but it boasts with the greatest and best preserved frescoes in
Slovenia. The painter 'John of Kastav'
painted the entire interior (walls, arches and ceilings) with his team
and completed his work in 1490.
Frescoes are of earthly colors, motifs mainly
religious and they show apostles, Coronation of Mary, Three Holy Kings,
Stations of the Cross, the creation of Earth but the most famous one is
certainly the “Dance of the Dead”. It is a parade of various people from the
society, who march together with skeletons towards death. The motif supposedly
originates from the epidemics of plague and conveys that death does not choose
between the rich and the poor, the young or the old and cannot even be bribed
(if you look closely, you will see that someone is offering gold coins to the
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