torek, 1. maj 2018



SLAVNIK 1028 m

Opis gore:
Slavnik je razgledna gora, ki se dviga južno od Kozine in zahodno od Podgorja. Podgorje je vasica, ki je primerno izhodišče za vzpon na omenjeno goro.
Na vrhu Slavnika se nahaja razgledna plošča in ob njen žig. Le nekaj korakov pod vrhom pa se nahaja Tumova koča na Slavniku, ki so jo odprli leta 1957.

Razgled s Slavnika pa je med lepšimi saj ob lepem vremenu vidimo Jadransko morje, italijanske Dolomite, kjer je najvišja Marmolada, del Karnijskih in Julijskih Alp, kjer izstopa Triglav in nato prek Karavank do Kamniško in Savinjskih Alp. V bližini pa se vidijo Golaki, Vremščica in malo bolj oddaljeni Snežnik.

Leta 1521 ga je dobil od cesarja v fevd kranjski plemič nikolaj Rauber, ki je obenem prevzel tudi deželno sodišče, vezano na socerbsko gospoščino. Toda Rauberji niso dolgo gospodovali gradu. Že na začetku 17. stoletja je kot socerbski gradnik omenjen Benvenuto Petazzi, ki je še posebej zaslovel zaradi svojih grozodejstev. Leta 1702 je nadvojvodska komora Socerb dokončno odkupila od Petazzijev in ga pozneje, leta 1766, prodala družini Montecuccoli iz Modene, ki ga pa ni dolgo uživala, saj je že leta 1780 zanetila strela v njem požar, ki ga je uničil.

V 19. stoletju se je za Socerb začelo novo življenje. Ob kmečki odvezi leta 1848 so Montecuccoli prodali gospoščinsko zemljo, grad pa so še obdržali. V letih 1924-1925 ga je Tržačan Demetrius de Economo obnovil, vendar se je pri večidel omejil le na sanacijo obodnega zidovja, medtem ko je druge njegove ostaline odstranil.

Tako je grad, na zunaj obnovljen, a v resnici brez večje zgodovinske pričevalnosti - okenske okvire so prinesli sem iz hiše Orlandini v Kopru - pričakal naš čas. Med zadnjo vojno so se na položajih krog njega bili partizanski boji, v stavbi pa je bil leta 1944 sedež VOS in ljudskega sodišča. Tisti časi so na srečo mimo, grad pa s svojo čarobno lego privablja vedno nove obiskovalce.

Črnokalska utrdba se omenja že v 11. stoletju. Razen za postanek trgovcev in potnikov je bil kraj, kjer so se za prevlado nad Koprom borili Habsburžani in Benečani.

Ostanki utrdbe nad Črnim Kalom, ki ji domicilno prebivalstvo pravi Grad ali stari grad, se nahajajo na trideset metrov visoki skali, ki je bila nekoč dostopna le preko štirimetrskega dvižnega mostu. Nahaja se na prometni poti po dolini Rižane proti Klancu, med jadransko obalo in notranjostjo, na meji beneškega in habsburškega interesa. Črni Kal se omenja že v 11. stoletju. Po vojni s Trstom, je tako kot celoten obrambni kompleks tudi Črni Kal pripadal koprski komuni.

Bil je počivališče trgovcev in potnikov, z gostilnami in sprejemljivimi cenami ter kraj spopadov med Habsburžani in Koprom ter mesto napadov uskokov. Ker Črnokalska utrdba Benečanom ni bila tako strateško pomembna kot Socerb, so lažje prenesli poraz od habsburškega vojskovodja Krsta Frankopana ter po napadu njegovo osvajanje okolice beneškega Kopra. V tem času so pristaši cesarja opustošili črnokalsko utrdbo. Črni Kal, nadzirajoč celotno dolino je v uskoški vojni ob Socerbu predstavljal glavno točko, kjer so habsburški vojaki napadali sovražnika.

 V obdobju od začetka 15. do prve polovice 17. stoletja so značilni pogosti roparski pohodi, zato je pod črnokalsko utrdbo bil urejen nedostopen tabor, v katerem je okoliško prebivalstvo hranilo svojo lastnino. Črnokalska skala je danes priljubljeno zbirališče alpinistov. Ljubiteljem plezanja skozi celo leto ponuja smeri različnih težavnostnih stopenj in dolžin. Znamenitost kraja je “poševni stolp” – zvonik cerkve sv. Valentina iz 17. stoletja, ki se nagiba zaradi udiranja zemlje.

SLAVNIK 1028 m

Description of mountain 
Slavnik viewing the mountain, which rises from the south and west of Kozina Podgorje. Podgorje the village, which is the appropriate starting point for the ascent on that mountain.

At the top of Slavnik is located at the viewing platform and its stamp. Only a few steps below the top is located at Slavniku Tumov house, which they opened in 1957.
With a view Slavnik is one of the most beautiful in fine weather because we see the Adriatic Sea, the Italian Dolomites, where the highest Marmolada, the Carnian and the Julian Alps, where exit Triglav, and then through the Karavanke to Kamniško and Savinian Alps. In the vicinity are seen Golak, Vremščica and a little more distant Snežnik.


Nobleman of Carniola, Nikolaj Rauber, got the castle as fee in 1521 and he also took over provincial court-of-law bound to Socerb dominion. But Raubers haven't dominated the castle for long. At the beginning of 17th century as castellan of Socerb Benvenuto Petazzi is mentioned, who was especially famous due to his atrocities. In 1702 archduke's chamber bought off Socerb from Petazzis and later, in 1766, sold it to family Montecuccoli from Modena, but they didn't enjoy for long because in 1780 lightning ingited the fire which destroyed the castle.

New life began for Socerb in 19th century. At the time of exoneration of peasants in 1848 Montecuccolis have sold dominion land but they remained as owners of the castle. In years 1924-1925 citizen of Trieste Demetrius de Economo renewed the castle but he mostly focused on surrounding walls whilst he removed its other remains.

Thus the castle, renewed on the outside but really without much historical evidence - window frames were brought here from Orlandini house in Koper - lived to see the present day. Between the last war partisans were fighting on positions around the castle and in 1944 the building was seat of VOS (Security-Intelligence Service) and people's court. Those time have fortunately passed by and the castle with its magical location attracts always new visitors.


The fortress of Črni Kal was noted in the 11th century. Apart from being a resting place for traders and travellers, it was also the place of the conflict between the Habsburgs and the Venetians for the dominance of Koper.

The ruins of a castle overlooking Črni Kal, called Town or Old Town by domicile inhabitants, stand on a cliff some 30 meters high that once could be reached only by a four-meter-long drawbridge. Situated on the road through the Rižana Valley towards Klanec, between the Adriatic Coast and the interior, on the border between the Venetian and Habsburg interests, Črni Kal was mentioned as early as the 11th c. Following the war fought against the Turks, the entire defensive complex, including Črni Kal, was taken over by the Koper municipality.

It was a resting-place for tradesmen and travellers, but also a place where conflicts for the supremacy of Koper, the Habsburgs took place, as well as attacks by the Uskoks. As the fortress of Črni Kal was not strategically as important to the Venetians as Socerb, they handled the defeat from Habsburg General Krsto Frankopan with ease as well as its conquest following the attack on the area surrounding Venetian Koper, when it was pillaged by the Emperor followers. Črni Kal, controlling the entire valley, during the Uskok War and together with Socerb, represented the major point from where the Habsburg soldiers invaded their enemy.

As the period from the early 15th until the first half of the 17th century was noted for its frequent pillagings, the unapproachable camp was established beneath the fort for the locals to store their possessions. Today, the cliff at Črni Kal is a popular climbing site. It offers rock-climbing fans a variety of routes with different climbing grades and lengths all year round. A local attraction is the "leaning tower", a belfry of St. Valentine's Church from the 17th c. which inclines as a result of the caving in of the ground.

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